Shaida Abachi

University of California, Irvine
shaidaabachi [at] gmail


University of California, Irvine— Ph.D., Cognitive Sciences with a Concentration in Cognitive Neuroscience (September 2019-June 2024)
University of California, Irvine— M.S., Cognitive Neuroscience (2022)
University of California, Riverside— B.S., Neuroscience (2017)


Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. (in prep) Evidence of tuned inhibition in decision making areas as a critical factor in perceptual metacognition

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. (2022) Simulated voxels from the tuned inhibition model of perceptual metacognition to drive model validation via fMRI. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.

Presentations and Talks

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. Identifying neurocomputational correlates of perceptual confidence in decision-making regions using fMRI in humans. Society for Neuroscience. Poster presentation. (2022)

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. Simulated voxels from the tuned inhibition model of perceptual metacognition to drive model validation via fMRI. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. Poster presentation. (2022)

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. Evidence of tuned inhibition as the underlying mechanism of perceptual metacognition via fMRI. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Concurrent talk. (2022)

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. Tuned inhibition as the underlying mechanism of perceptual metacognition identified within decision making areas. Cognitive Sciences Graduate Student Bonanza; University of California, Irvine. Intramural talk. (2022)

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. Neuroimaging evidence for metacognitive computations in perceptual decision-making. The Neurobiology of Reward and Decision-Making Meeting. Poster presentation. (2022)

Abachi, S., Maniscalco, B., Peters, M. A. K. Toward evidence of tuned inhibition as the underlying mechanism of perceptual metacognition via fMRI. Neuromatch Conference. Flash talk. (2021)

Abachi, S., Grinberg, Y., Carson, M. Brain sensitivity to TREM2- regulated microglial functions is region- and age- dependent. Center for Glial-Neuronal Interactions annual symposium; University of California, Riverside. Poster presentation. (2017)


Teaching Assistant— University of California, Irvine
MATLAB Programming (Winter 2024 PSYCH9A)
Psychology of Violence (Winter 2023 PSYCH124V)
Introduction to Psychology (FALL 2022 PSYCH9A)
Introduction to Psychology (SPRING 2022 PSYCH7A)
Sports Psychology (FALL 2021 PSYCH 124S)
Cognitive Neuroscience (WINTER 2021 PSYCH 160A)
Psychology Fundamentals A (FALL 2020/FALL 2023 PSYCH9A/PSCI11A)
Metacognition (SPRING 2020 PSYCH 169)
Psychology Fundamentals B (FALL 2019 PSYCH9B/PSCI11B)